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On the road again.

25 Aug

At the moment (yes! in the car), I am traveling across the southeast U.S. in route to a new chapter in our lives.  I have recently been hired by a hospital in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area as a contract physical therapist.  I will be living with my parents…can we say flashbacks of high school?!  My husband retires in December and we are trying to cut back on my student loans prior to that day.

Anyway, on order to not feel like a complete freeloader, I decided to bring my cookbook and cook while I’m in Texas.  However, I forgot my calendar at home…yes, the one with the ENTIRE year planned!  Instead of letting it get me bummed, I realized I had my under the armrest of the truck and started flipping through it…


It isn’t as comprehensive as the original calendar, but it will give me a good meal and side dish most weeks and a few desserts and breads.

Here’s to new opportunities!!